What's happening at the farm!

Camping with the critters? Yup! It’s a thing alright! In 2017 we joined the HipCamp world. We have had tent campers, hammock campers and camper campers. Reservations need to be made on our account on HipCamp – Camping with the Critters in order to keep the reservations straight. (Click the link and your are on your way!

June, July & August: Every Thursday evening from 6:15 ish to 7:15 ish pm
Haven’t heard of “yoga with goats?” You need to check out this New York Times article: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/21/us/goat-yoga-oregon.html?_r=0 This is a relaxed yoga class focusing on fun and stretching. We are calling it “yoga on the farm” because we have so many goofy critters, we aren’t limiting the festivities to just goats! Cost is $20. Make sure to wear comfortable clothes and bring a mat or towel (preferably not your favorite mat as the goats finds mats to be delicious!)

The actual dates vary from year to year and month to month, but we have Live Music at the Farm at least once a month through the summer. Check out our Facebook page under “events” for specific dates, times and artists.
This is just too much fun too miss! Grab a lawn chair, cooler with your favorite beverage and head to the farm.

No, you’re not dreaming. All of your wishes have finally come true and your TWO FAVORITE THINGS are happening at the very same time: happy hour and baby farm animals!!! Our farm yoga has been such a hit, we thought, “what the heck….why not?”
Come relax after a crazy work week with a pile of farm babies and your favorite beverage. Although this event is BYOB, we will provide bottle openers, cups, snacks and ample opportunity to snuggle the baby critters. Folks are encouraged to bring a picnic dinner and relax in the small animal pasture while the babies use you as a pillow…. or jungle gym.
Baby animals are scientifically proven to remedy road rage and depression from endless hours in an office, (wink wink) so don’t miss your chance to snag a little after work therapy! You in??
The event is $15 per person and is for ADULTS only! (21 +)
Please feel free to BYOB and food is available for sale or pack a picnic supper.
We reserve the right to cancel the event due to inclement weather or should a farm emergency arise. Participants will be notified as quickly as possible in case of cancellation.

Barn to Yarn!!
Ever wonder how all this fluffy fiber becomes the beautiful yarn, scarves, mittens, hats, blankets and rugs that we often have for sale? Here is your chance to see the process! There are so many talented fiber artists in our area and they are excited to show you their craft. There will be demonstrations of all phases of barn to yarn – picking, skirting, carding, spinning, plying, skeining and needle felting.

Ladies Night!!
Ladies Night is really just one more reason for some grown up fun on the farm! We try to host a couple of these events per season.
We fill the barn with all kinds of wonderful crafts and home based business folks. We get a food truck and adult beverages are welcome!
Shopping? Food? Animals? AND wine??? Seriously??? Gotta love it!